Q & A
Q: Do you take senior or special needs pets?
A: Absolutely ! We offer compassionate care for all stages of life. Medication or injections can be administered if needed.
Q: Do you accept all dog breeds?
A: Yes we do! We do not turn away any breed.
We proudly accept all dog breeds: ie: Rottweilers, Pit bulls, German shepherds, Dobermans etc... We love them all!
Q: Do you only care for pets with fur? how about reptiles? or Birds?
A: We Care for ALL Species of animals. If you have it as a pet ... we will come care for it! We have staff that are knowledgable with the care and needs of both warm blooded AND cold blooded members of your family.
* Check out our staff bios to get more information on their background and experience. You will find that between us, we have all pets needs covered... Even fish & Amphibians.
Q: Do you offer special rates to veterans?
A: We are proud to offer veterans a special discounted rate as a thank you for their service.
Q: Why do people use Pet sitters / Dog Walkers ?
A: There are a wide array of reasons for using a professional pet sitter. below are a few examples:
~ Pet owners that work very long hours
~ Pets with severe separation anxiety
~ Repairs taking place in the pet’s home
~ Special medical needs
~ Senior pets
~ Pregnant women that need the litter box cleaned
~ High energy breeds in need of extra walks/activity
~ Owners with busy schedules appreciate the extra help.
(ie: Knowing that their dog, horse etc. is getting exercised when their schedule won't permit them to personally tend to the pets needs.)
~ Pets that do not live in the home
(some of our beloved family members must live outside of the home, either in a barn or on a farm. We will check on them and tend to their needs when their owner can't.)
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In Home Pet Care Services.
LA Pet care / pet sitting Services / Dog walking